Monday, May 13, 2013

The Almost Liberator : To protect you from the second amendment, we must eliminate the first.

... or print a 3d gun.

Last week, Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed posted the files one would need to print a 3d pistol. All of the components, except for the firing pin, are 3d printable.

... and predictably, the Obama administration would hear nothing about the right to keep and bear arms (which necessarily includes the right to manufacture them).

Clearly the first amendment means as little to these men as the second amendment does.  And neither do property rights.  That information is Wilson's property - there is no right for the Feds to claim control of it.  Of course, we knew the Obama administration has no concern for property rights for the past 4.5 years, so that's not particularly surprising.  Hopefully Wilson sues and wins.

In the meantime, ask yourself this question: what sort of person would deny you the right to a gun, while surrounding himself with an army of armed men?

UPDATE: Oddly, Google+ is having trouble posting this entry. C'mon, Google! You believe in freedom, right?

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