Tuesday, July 9, 2013

You're too smart!

Today I learned of a story dating from 2000, where Robert Jordan was rejected in his bid to become a police officer in New London, CT.  Why was he rejected? It wasn't because he couldn't complete the physical.  Nor was it because he couldn't master police procedure, learn the laws.  It wasn't because he was black, white, asian, or hispanic.  No - it was because his IQ is too high.

That's right.  He's too damned smart to be a cop.

Because if there's one thing you want in your police force, it's a healthy level of stupidity.  What could possibly account for a policy this — stupid?

"But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training."

Ah - so smart people can't maintain interest in police work. They couldn't possibly want to grow into a role like, say, detective, where having the ability to piece together clues and solve puzzles might come in handy.  No - they'll just get bored and move on.

All of this reminds me of the short story Examination Day, wherein a young boy takes a standardized test and performs too well for bureaucratic comfort. Unlike Mr Jordan, he didn't merely lose a job opportunity; he was simply killed.

Our culture is sick right now.  We are exposed more to crappy tabloid plots than to smart, amazing people.  I'm not sure how to reverse the trend, other than to point it out and to contribute to the alternative trend of praising and striving for intellect.  I pledge to try.  Please join me.

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